Cash Cards


A fantastic Cash Card, perfect to be used as a way to gift money for Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, Anniversaries, Easter, and more!

Personalise the card with names or artwork depending on the occasion – or even go with a simple ‘To’ and ‘From’ design and leave space to fill in the names with a Sharpie or Dry Wipe Pen!

Available in:

  • 54 x 85 mm (Business Card Size) with 2 parallel 76 mm high Slots down the long side

Available as standard in White 0.5 mm, for White 0.7 mm and all other 0.5 mm colours and finishes choose Custom Cut and put your selection in Order Notes at checkout.

Please note that all Custom Cut items may be a 2 – 5 day turnaround.


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Metal Colour (Printable Side) and Thickness *

White 0.5mm as standard, all other 0.5 mm colours and 0.7 mm White are available with a surcharge – listed below as Custom Cuts (so may increase the turnaround time of your order).